Explore this blog to

  1. Enhance your knowledge on Enterprise Product Catalogue and Rest APIs.
  2. Know how to create, update, read and delete the objects using REST APIs.

Enterprise Product Catalog (EPC): 

  • An Enterprise Product Catalog (EPC) is a centralized repository that stores information about the products and services offered by an organization.
  •  It acts as a single source of truth for all product-related data, allowing different business units and systems within an organization to access, manage, and share product information efficiently. 
  • The EPC can be used by various departments, including sales, marketing, e-commerce, supply chain, and more.


  • REST (Representational State Transfer) is an architectural style used to design networked applications.
  • RESTful APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) are web APIs that adhere to the principles of REST.

Working with Rest API : 

  • Rest APIs allow different software systems to communicate and interact with each other over the internet using standard HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) to perform actions on resources (e.g., products, orders, customers).
  • Regarding "Enterprise Product Catalog (EPC) REST APIs," it's possible that specific organizations or software providers have implemented custom APIs for their product catalogs based on REST principles. 

Each organization may design their API based on their specific needs and requirements. Therefore, the details of these APIs could vary significantly from one implementation to another.

Using the REST APIs, you can create, read, update, and delete different objects.

To know more about the product related Rest API click on any of the following:

1. Product2

2. Product Version

3. Product Child

4. Picklist

5. Picklist Version

6. Picklist Item

7. Promotion

8. Promotion Item

The REST APIs related to the Product object:

  1. Create Product Objects: 
    1. Endpoint: POST /v2/epc/products
    2. Remote Method:createProduct2
    3. REST Handler:APIProductRestHandler
    4. Description: Create products in the Vlocity Product Console by specifying the product details in the request body.
  2. Retrieve Product Details: 
    1. Endpoint: GET v2/epc/products/product_ID
    2. Remote Method: readEntity
    3. Rest Handler: APIProductRestHandler
    4. Description: Retrieve the details of an individual product by specifying its ID in the resource URI.
  3. Update Products:
    1. Endpoint: PUT /v2/epc/products
    2. Remote Method: updateProduct2
    3. REST Handler: APIProductRestHandler
    4. Description: Update the fields of a product by specifying its ID and the fields to update in the request body.
  4. Delete Product Objects: 
    1. Endpoint: DEL /v2/epc/products/{product-ID}
    2. Remote Method: deleteProduct2
    3. REST Handler:APIProductRestHandler
    4. Description: Delete products in the Vlocity Product Console by specifying their IDs in the request body.

The REST APIs related to the Product Version object:

  1. Create Versions of Products
    1. Endpoint: POST /v2/epc/products/{product-ID}/versions
    2. Remote Method: createVersionProduct2
    3. REST Handler: APIProductVersionRestHandler
    4. Description: Use the "Create Versions of Products" API to create new versions of a specific product in the Vlocity Product Console.
  2. Retrieve the Versions of Products
    1. Endpoint: GET /v2/epc/products/{product-ID}/versions
    2. Remote Method: readProduct2
    3. REST Handler: APIProductVersionRestHandler
    4. Description: To retrieve the versions of a specific product, use the "Retrieve the Versions of Products" API.

The REST APIs related to the Product Child object:

  1. Create Product Child Items
    1. Endpoint: POST /v2/epc/productchilditems
    2. Remote Method: createPCI
    3. REST Handler: APIProductChildItemRestHandler
    4. Description: Add new Product Child Items (PCIs) to associate them with a bundle of products or services.
  2. Retrieve Product Child Item Details
    1. Endpoint: GET v2/epc/productchilditems/{product_child_item_ID}
    2. Remote Method: readPCI
    3. REST Handler: APIProductChildItemRestHandler
    4. Description: Get the details of a specific Product Child Item by specifying its ID.
  3. Update Product Child Items
    1. Endpoint: PUT /v2/epc/productchilditems/
    2. Remote Method: updatePCI
    3. REST Handler: APIProductChildItemRestHandler
    4. Description: Update the fields of an existing Product Child Item (PCI) by specifying its ID and providing the fields to be updated in the request body.
  4. Delete Product Child Items
    1. Endpoint: DEL v2/epc/productchilditems/{productchilditem-ID}
    2. Remote Method: deletePCI
    3. REST Handler: APIProductChildItemRestHandler
    4. Description: Remove Product Child Items (PCIs) associated with a bundle of products or services.

The REST APIs related to the Picklist object:

  1. Create Picklists:
    1. Endpoint: POST /v2/epc/picklists
    2. Remote Method: createPicklist
    3. REST Handler: APIPicklistRestHandler
    4. Description: Create picklists in Vlocity Product Console by specifying them in the request body.
  2. Retrieve Picklist Details
    1. Endpoint: GET v2/epc/picklists/{picklist_ID}
    2. Remote Method: readPicklist
    3. REST Handler: APIPicklistRestHandler
    4. Description: Retrieve the details of an individual picklist by specifying its ID in the resource URI.
  3. Update Picklists
    1. Endpoint: PUT /v2/epc/picklists
    2. Remote Method: updatePicklist
    3. REST Handler: APIPicklistRestHandler
    4. Description: Update a picklist by specifying its ID and the fields to update in the request body.
  4. Delete Picklists
    1. Endpoint: DEL /v2/epc/picklists/{picklist_ID}
    2. Remote Method: deletePicklist
    3. REST Handler: APIPicklistRestHandler
    4. Description: Delete picklists in Vlocity Product Console by specifying them in the URI.

The REST APIs related to the Picklist Version object:

  1. Create Versions of Picklists
    1. Endpoint: POST /v2/epc/picklists/{picklist-ID}/versions
    2. Remote Method: createVersionPicklist
    3. REST Handler: APIPicklistVersionRestHandler
    4. Description: Create versions of picklists in Vlocity Product Console by specifying the ID of the picklist and the version label in the request body.
  2. Retrieve the Versions of Picklists
    1. Endpoint: GET /v2/epc/picklists/{picklist-ID}/versions
    2. Remote Method: readPicklist
    3. REST Handler: APIPicklistVersionRestHandler
    4. Description: Retrieve the versions of picklists using REST APIs by specifying the ID of the picklist in the resource URI.

The REST APIs related to the Picklist Items object:

  1. Create Picklist Items
    1. Endpoint: POST /v2/epc/picklists/{picklist_ID}/items
    2. Remote Method: createPicklistValue
    3. REST Handler: APIPicklistItemRestHandler
    4. Description: Create picklist items in Vlocity Product Console by specifying them in the request body.
  2. Retrieve Details of Items in a Picklist
    1. Endpoint: GET v2/epc/picklists/{picklist_ID}/items
    2. Remote Method: readPicklistValue
    3. REST Handler: APIPicklistItemRestHandler
    4. Description: Retrieve the details of items in a picklist by specifying its ID in the resource URI.
  3. Update Picklist Items
    1. Endpoint: PUT /v2/epc/picklists/{picklist_ID}/items
    2. Remote Method: updatePicklistItem
    3. REST Handler: APIPicklistItemRestHandler
    4. Description: Update items in a picklist by specifying the ID of the picklist in the URI. You must also specify the ID of the item and the fields that you want to update in the request body.
  4. Delete Picklist Items
    1. Endpoint: DEL/v2/epc/picklists/{picklist_ID}/items/{item_ID}
    2. Remote Method: deletePicklistValue
    3. REST Handler: APIPicklistItemRestHandler
    4. Description: Delete picklist items in Vlocity Product Console by specifying them in the URI.

The REST APIs related to the Promotion object:

  1. Create Promotions
    1. Endpoint: POST /v2/epc/promotions
    2. Remote Method: addPromotion
    3. REST Handler: APIPromotionRestHandler 
    4. Description: Create promotions in Vlocity Product Console by specifying them in the request body.
  2. Retrieve Promotion Details
    1. Endpoint: GET v2/epc/promotions/{promotions_ID}
    2. Remote Method: readPromotion
    3. REST Handler: APIPromotionRestHandler 
    4. Description: Retrieve the details of an individual promotion by specifying its ID in the resource URI.
  3. Update Promotions
    1. Endpoint: PUT /v2/epc/promotions
    2. Remote Method: updatePromotion 
    3. REST Handler: APIPromotionRestHandler
    4. Description: Update the fields of a promotion by specifying its ID and the fields to update in the request body.
  4. Delete Promotions
    1. Endpoint: DEL /v2/epc/promotions/{promotions-id}
    2. Remote Method: deletePromotion
    3. REST Handler: APIPromotionRestHandler 
    4. Description: Delete promotions in Vlocity Product Console by specifying them in the URI.

The REST APIs related to the Promotion Items object:

  1. Create Promotion Items
    1. Endpoint: POST /v2/epc/promotions/items
    2. Remote Method: addPromotionItem
    3. REST Handler: APIPromotionItemRestHandler
    4. Description: Create promotion items in Vlocity Product Console by specifying them in the request body.
  2. Retrieve Details of Items in a Promotion
    1. Endpoint: GET v2/epc/promotions/{promotion_ID}/items/{item_ID}
    2. Remote Method: readPromotionItem
    3. REST Handler: APIPromotionItemRestHandler
    4. Description: Retrieve the details of items in a promotion by specifying its ID in the resource URI.
  3. Update Promotion Items
    1. Endpoint: PUT /v2/epc/promotions/{promotion-ID}/items
    2. Remote Method: updatePromotionItem 
    3. REST Handler: APIPromotionItemRestHandler
    4. Description: Update items in a promotion by specifying the ID of the promotion in the URI. You must also specify the ID of item and the fields that you want to update in the request body.
  4. Delete Promotion Items
    1. Endpoint: DEL /v2/epc/promotions/{promotion_ID}/items/{item_ID}
    2. Remote Method: deletePromotionItem
    3. REST Handler: APIPromotionItemRestHandler
    4. Description: Delete promotion items in Vlocity Product Console by specifying them in the URI.

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